See full article here: National Observer
It comes as no surprise, but a pleasant reminder of some of the good things that have come from the pandemic.

Many of us are clearly thinking steps ahead, we are thinking about what happens when the supermarket stores are no longer stocked like they used to be?
What happens when we can’t get a delivery slot from the grocery store because everyone is ordering to their homes due to lockdown or trying to avoid the virus?
I, like many of you, have encountered these situations this year. I remember being on all the grocery delivery websites, waiting for a chance to shop, held in an online queue waiting for people to get off the website before it allowed me in!
51% of Canadians are growing at least one type of fruit or vegetables at home and one-fifth of that figure started this year as a result of the pandemic. The article is about statistics from Canada but I feel that the statistics are probably near enough the same for most western countries like the UK and the USA.
I say, let's go back to the old old days where we all grew a substantial amount of food at home before modernisation and centralisation of society. It is by far the most sustainable pandemic free way of living.
This article was inspired by the National Observer See the article here.
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