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Naomi Stephens | Permaculture Designer

Sustainable Apartment Living: Easy Tips & Tricks

Sustainable living isn't just for homeowners. If you live in an apartment building, you can also help the environment. I was able to make a big difference by making small changes and using eco-friendly habits.

Doing this can significantly lower your energy consumption and support a greener lifestyle.

This article shares easy tips and tricks to turn your apartment into a sustainable home.

Essential Tips & Tricks for Sustainable Apartment Living

Sustainable living means making smart choices to lower the harm we do to the environment. If you live in an apartment, it may feel hard to be sustainable.

However, even small changes can greatly improve things. You can save energy, create less waste, and choose eco-friendly options. There are many ways to live more sustainably in your apartment.

Here are some easy tips and tricks to help make your apartment greener.

1. Maximize Natural Light to Reduce Electricity Use

One of the easiest and most effective ways to lower your apartment's effect on the environment is to use less electricity. If solar panels don't work for you as a renter, you can use natural light instead. Open your curtains and blinds during the day. This allows sunlight to brighten your living space and cuts down the need for artificial lighting. Personally I try to only put my lights on from evening time.

You might also think about changing your light bulbs. Swap out traditional incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient LED bulbs. LED bulbs use less electricity, which helps reduce your energy bills. They also last longer, which means you create less waste over time.

By choosing to use natural light and energy-efficient light bulbs, you can greatly lower your apartment's energy consumption. This helps support a sustainable lifestyle.

2. Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances for Long-term Savings

When it is time to get new appliances, think about buying energy-efficient ones. Look for models with an Energy Star certification. This means they meet strict energy-saving rules. Appliances like refrigerators and washing machines are made to use less energy but still work well.

For instance, a new energy-efficient washing machine can lower your water and energy bill a lot compared to an older, less efficient one. By using less energy, these appliances help reduce your carbon footprint. They also help save important resources.

Buying energy-efficient appliances is a smart choice for anyone in an apartment. It helps you live better for the planet and save money over time.

3. Choose Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products to Minimize Chemical Use

Conventional cleaning products often contain tough chemicals, which can harm our health and the environment. The good news is that more eco-friendly cleaning products are available. They work well without the harmful side effects.

Choose natural cleaning products made from plant-based ingredients. These are biodegradable. This means they help cut down plastic waste from single-use plastic bottles. They also do not have volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds can add to indoor air pollution and create health risks.

Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products is a simple change. It can make a big difference in promoting sustainable living. It helps create a healthier and better living space.

4. Adopt a Zero-Waste Lifestyle by Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling

Embracing a zero-waste lifestyle is a great way to seriously cut down your environmental impact. It's also a permaculture principle, which emphasizes working with nature to create sustainable systems.

By reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling, we can enhance biodiversity, conserve resources, and promote a healthier planet, aligning with core permaculture values of care for the earth and care for people.

You can start by adopting a few simple habits:

  • Reduce: Think about how much you consume. Try to avoid single-use plastics. Use reusable bags, water bottles, and food containers instead.

  • Reuse: Use items again when you can. For example, clean glass jars can be repurposed for storage instead of buying new containers.

  • Recycle: Learn the recycling rules for your building. Make sure to dispose of recyclable materials like paper, plastic, glass, and metal correctly.

By following these steps, you can lower the amount of waste that goes to landfills. This way, you help create a more sustainable future.

5. Grow Indoor Plants for Better Air Quality and Well-being

Introducing indoor plants to your apartment makes your living space look nicer. It also helps with your health and the environment. Plants can clean the air. They filter out harmful toxins and release fresh oxygen. This improves the air quality.

Think about starting a small herb garden on your windowsill. Fresh herbs can add flavor to your meals. This also means you won’t need to buy packaged herbs from the store. Plus, studies show that being around plants can boost your mood and help you focus.

Greening the room: A quasi-experimental study on the presence of potted plants in study rooms on mood, cognitive performance, and perceived … - This study from Science Direct suggests that adding potted plants to a study room can improve mood and make individuals feel more attentive and focused.

By adding indoor plants, you make your home more pleasant and healthy. You also show that you care about sustainable living.

6. Opt for Sustainable Materials in Decor and Furnishings

Furnishing your apartment with eco-friendly materials is a great way to help the environment and create a stylish living space. When you pick furniture and decor, look for things made from recycled or reclaimed materials.

Instead of buying brand new, check out thrift stores, antique shops, or online marketplaces. You can find unique and often good quality pre-owned pieces. You can also bring old items back to life by upcycling or refurbishing them to suit your style. By choosing materials that are sustainable and giving furniture a second life, you help cut down waste and support a circular economy.

7. Save Water with Low-Flow Fixtures and Conscious Usage

Water conservation is very important for living well, especially in apartment buildings. Using water-saving methods can really help lower your water usage. You can install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. These can help you save water while still keeping good water pressure.

Think about taking shorter showers. Also, turn off the tap water when you brush your teeth or wash dishes. By being careful with your water usage, you are helping save this valuable resource and reducing your water bill.

8. Support Renewable Energy by Choosing Green Power Options

Did you know that you can help renewable energy even if you rent an apartment? Many utility companies have green power programs. They let you choose some of your electricity from renewable sources like solar or wind power.

I didn't believe it at first myself its a recent innovation to energy companies that is gaining popularity.

When you join these programs, you help grow clean energy options and use less fossil fuel. The cost of green power programs might be a bit higher, but the good it does for the environment is worth it.

Renewable Energy Credits 101: Green Energy for Renters - This page details how energy companies offer programs that renters can participate in to ensure their power comes from green sources.

Talk to your electricity provider to learn about renewable energy choices.

9. Implement Composting to Reduce Food Waste

Composting is an excellent way to reduce food waste, even in an apartment setting. You can easily start composting using a countertop compost bin or an under-sink composting system. Collect food scraps such as fruits, vegetables, coffee grounds, and eggshells to turn them into nutrient-rich compost.

Type of Compost Bin

 Space Requirements


 Countertop Compost Bin

Minimal countertop space

Convenient for small kitchens

Under-sink Composting System

Under-sink cabinet space

Larger capacity, odor control

If you have a balcony, consider using a composting tumbler or worm composting. Once your compost is ready, you can use it to enrich your indoor plants or find a local community garden to donate it to.

10. Utilize Smart Home Technologies for Efficient Living

Integrating smart home technologies can greatly improve your apartment's energy efficiency. This can help you live a more sustainable life.

For example, smart thermostats understand how you like to heat and cool your space. They adjust the temperature by themselves, which helps with energy consumption.

Smart lighting systems let you manage your lights from anywhere. You can turn them off if no one is using them, which stops energy waste. Plus, you can set schedules for when to turn the lights on and off automatically. This adds ease to your life and supports sustainability.

Smart home technologies allow you to track and control your energy usage better. They help you work toward a greener and more eco-friendly lifestyle.

  1. Transforming Your Diet for a Greener Lifestyle

The food we eat greatly affects the environment. Eating in a more sustainable way is a strong choice to lower your carbon footprint and help the planet. When you think about what food you buy and how you cook it, you can help make a change.

You can reduce meat intake, support local farmers, and cut down on food waste. Let's look at how these changes in your diet can improve your lifestyle and help create a better future.

Shop Local and Organic to Reduce Carbon Footprint

Supporting local farmers and producers is a great way to live sustainably. When we buy food close to home, we cut down the travel distance from farm to table. This helps lower pollution from transportation and boosts our local economies.

You can visit your local farmers' market to find fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables. Choosing organic foods also helps you avoid harmful pesticides and supports eco-friendly farming. Moreover, try to eat less meat. Meat production is tough on the environment, so adding more plant-based meals to your diet can really help.

By making smart shopping choices, you can support both your community and the environment.

Plan Meals to Minimize Food Waste

Food waste is a big problem for the environment. Meal planning is a great way to help fix it. When you plan your meals, you can shop better. You will buy only what you really need, which helps keep food from spoiling in your fridge.

Before you go to the store, check what you have at home. Make a meal plan for a week or two. Use any leftovers in new meals to stop throwing away good food. You will be surprised at how creative you can be with leftovers to make tasty dishes.

By reducing food waste, you make less organic waste that goes to landfills. This helps lower methane emissions. It’s better for our climate.

Embrace Grass fed and plant based options

Adopting a more plant-based diet, along with choosing grass-fed, pasture-raised options, is an excellent way to support the environment. Conventional meat production, especially beef, demands significant water, land, and food resources, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation. By eating less commercialized meat and opting for sustainably raised products, you help reduce the demand for resource-intensive animal products.

Start by incorporating some vegetarian or vegan meals into your routine. Explore delicious plant-based recipes like hearty lentil stews and flavorful vegetable curries. Additionally, when you do choose meat, selecting grass-fed, pasture-raised options can promote better animal welfare and often results in a lower environmental impact. These choices collectively help the planet and minimize your climate change footprint.

  1. Building a Sustainable Wardrobe

The fashion industry affects the environment in many ways. This includes making fabrics, creating clothes, and transporting them. To build a wardrobe that is good for the planet, we need to think about our choices for clothes. This means we should pick quality items instead of buying many low-quality ones. We should also choose clothes made in a way that harms the environment less.

Let’s look at some helpful tips and ideas to create a wardrobe that shows your style and your promise to be sustainable.

Choose Ethically Made and Sustainable Clothing Brands

Building a sustainable wardrobe is important. The clothes we choose greatly matter. It's essential to switch to ethical and sustainable fashion brands to help reduce our impact on the planet. We should support brands that are open about their supply chains. This helps ensure fair labor and safe working conditions for clothing workers.

Look for clothes made from organic cotton, recycled materials, or new fabrics like Tencel or hemp. These materials create a lower environmental impact than regular cotton or synthetic fabrics.

When you buy high-quality, ethically made clothes, you help the environment. Plus, you get stylish and durable pieces that will last a long time.

Practice Minimalist Fashion to Reduce Consumption

Embracing minimalist fashion can change how we live sustainably. It helps us think differently about what we buy. Instead of buying too much, we focus on creating a small wardrobe. This wardrobe should have versatile and timeless pieces.

Rather than following short-lived trends, put your money into classic items that mix and match easily. Follow a "less is more" idea by buying fewer clothes that fit your style and values.

By choosing a minimalist fashion approach, you reduce textile waste. This also helps lessen your environmental impact. Plus, you build a more thoughtful relationship with your clothes.

13. Learn to Repair and Upcycle Clothes for Extended Life

Extending the life of our clothes is very important for a sustainable lifestyle. Don’t throw away your clothes at the first sign of damage. Learning some simple repair skills like sewing on buttons or fixing small holes will help you fix your clothes and make them last longer.

Be creative with upcycling! You can change old t-shirts into reusable shopping bags or turn worn-out jeans into cool shorts. This way, you will not only create less waste but also add unique items to your closet.

By fixing and upcycling your clothes, you can take part in circular fashion and go against the throwaway culture that is common in the fashion world.


Living in a sustainable apartment is more than just a trend. It is a very important step for a greener future. You can make a big difference by doing some simple things. Use as much natural light as possible. Invest in energy-efficient appliances. Support renewable energy options. These habits can help reduce your carbon footprint.

You can also reach a zero-waste lifestyle. Choose eco-friendly products and grow some indoor plants. These choices will help the environment and also improve your well-being. Remember, every little change matters on the road to sustainable living. Let’s make smart choices today for a better tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Make My Apartment More Energy Efficient?

  • To save energy, change incandescent light bulbs to LEDs.

  • In the colder months, keep warm air inside by sealing gaps in windows and doors.

  • When you need to replace items, think about using energy-efficient appliances.

What Are the Best Plants for Improving Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor plants, such as spider plants, snake plants, and peace lilies, are great for cleaning the air. They filter out harmful pollutants and volatile organic compounds. This helps create a healthier space to live.

Can Small Changes in My Lifestyle Really Impact the Environment?

Every small change can make a big difference. When we all work together, our actions inspire others. This encourages more people to live sustainably. Together, we create a global movement.

Are There Affordable Ways to Live Sustainably in an Apartment?

Yes, many sustainable choices save you money! Using reusable bags helps cut costs. Choosing energy-efficient appliances can lower your energy bills. Also, reducing food waste leads to more savings on groceries. Over time, these choices add up and help your wallet!

How to Start Composting in a Small Apartment?

Composting in small spaces is simple! Start with a compost bin on your countertop or set up an under-sink composting system. Gather your food scraps and see them turn into useful compost as time passes.



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