You may be in a situation where you can't get the seeds you want, but you can find the item in the grocery store. Or you might just have some leftovers that you want to do something productive with them.
Here is a list of some plants you can grow from scraps:
1 Coriander, Basil, Mint
2. Sweet Potatoes
3. Onions
4. Garlic

1. Coriander, Basil, and Mint
Coriander, basil, and mint are very easy to grow at home from scraps. The entire procedure is very simple and easy to follow.
Place the root ends of the plant of your choice in water. Make sure the plant is not entirely submerged.
Ensure you change the water on a daily basis. The plant should start growing in 1 to 2 weeks.
Once the plant starts to grow, transfer the plant into the soil and water the plant whenever when the top layer of the soil gets dry.
You can harvest the green leaves when they grow completely. Make sure you only cut off the necessary parts and do not accidentally uproot the entire plant.
Repeat the procedure with the new scraps.
2. Sweet Potatoes
There is hardly any household that does not enjoy consuming sweet potatoes. Rather than always going out to buy them every time you want to eat them, why not just grow them in your garden?
Find a sweet potato that is a little past being completely edible (not completely spoilt but not safe for eating either). Cut it in half and use toothpicks to hold each of the halves over a shallow container filled with water.
It will take a few days for the roots to form.
Once the roots start forming, the sprouts will start to grow on the upper side.
When the sprouts grow to a length of 4 inches, cut them off and place them in a container filled with water. Make sure the bases of the sprouts are in the water.
The roots of the plant will start to grow soon afterwards. When they start growing, transfer the plant into the soil.
3. Onions
Onions are used in a variety of recipes. Growing onions at home have a really simple process.
Plant the root end of an onion and cover it with soil. Make sure you cover it with a light layer of soil.
Water the onion enough to keep the soil moist.
When the new onions grow, cut them off carefully while keeping their roots attached to the soil.
Plant the newly cut onions in the soil.
Trim out the leaves of the plant from time to time so that the plant grows nicely.
Onion plants can take around 5 months before they are ready to be harvested. Therefore, don't be in a haste!
4. Garlic
Garlic is yet another food item used in numerous recipes and can easily be grown at home.
Take a big garlic clove and place it in a container filled with soil. Lightly cover the clove with soil.
Place the container near a window so that the garlic can receive enough sunlight.
Keep the soil moist at all times.
The bulbs of the garlic will be ready for harvesting once the bottom third of the leaves become yellow. This is usually during early summer.
Remember that everything might not work out the first time. Have patience and do not give up. Try again if you mess up. You will get it eventually.
If you're in the city and can't help but use the grocery store, make sure your next shopping is for the start of your next garden!
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