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Permaculture Apartment Garden Design Workbook

Not sure where to start with your unproductive space?


The Permaculture Apartment Design Workbook will guide you step by step to create a customized, functional permaculture setup—tailored to your space, light, temperature, airflow, and humidity.


This book isn't a one-size-fits-all. It will help you design a sustainable system that works for you.

Indoor Grow Lights for Small Space Gardeners | Recommended and Not Recommended lights

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

I've put together an easy-to-understand guide on what grow lights to use for a small space. If you're growing indoors then grow lights are a must-have for helping you grow all year round.

I grow summer vegetables successfully in winter and I have success with all my plants that are grown under light (of course I make my own fertilizer which helps too).

My grow lights in actions, see below for the ones I buy.

What grow lights do I need to grow a few plants at home?


What I do recommend are LED grow lights. These are the ones I have in the picture above.

LED lights are the best for indoor gardening because they last longer, require less energy per output and emit a very low heat.

In recent years, these lights have gotten cheaper due to demand. I normally see them as reading lights or desk lights. These are good for growing plants. But, it's best to get the specific plant grow lights, because of the timers that are just amazing.

You simply set how long you want the light to stay on. There are normally 3 settings- 6, 8, or 12 hours, and this light will switch on and off at the same time each day.

The heads are fully manoeuvrable so you can move them to get the right position for your plants.

I highly recommend the ones seen in the picture above. I've bought 3 sets of them so far. They are really powerful and grow luscious plants without fail. They can be slightly warm so make sure you live a minimum of about 2-3 inches of space between your plants and the light It was around £30 when I bought it but, check prices on Amazon by clicking here.

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