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Naomi Stephens | Permaculture Designer

Flowers vs. Vegetables: Which is Easier to Grow? Unpacking the Pros and Cons

Updated: Mar 4

Are you an apartment gardener or small space grower wondering which is easier to grow – flowers or vegetables? Growing your gardens in a limited space can be challenging, and when it comes to finding the balance between beauty and bounty, weighing out the pros and cons of both plants can help inform your decision-making.

Drawing from permaculture principles, we'll go beyond aesthetics to discover how one type may benefit more than the other for producing better yields in smaller spaces. So, if you're ready to unpack how flowers compare with vegetables before you plant your next garden - read on!

An Overview of Growing Flowers vs. Vegetables in Small Spaces

Living in an apartment shouldn't limit your ability to grow your food, as there are plenty of trim space options for those interested in cultivating their gardens.

When choosing between growing flowers and vegetables, both have their benefits. Flowers can brighten up any space with their colors and fragrances, attracting pollinators to your garden for a more ecologically sustainable setting.

Conversely, vegetables allow you to produce nutritious and delicious food in your home. Even the tiniest balconies or window sills can be transformed into thriving gardens, and there's no reason why you can't enjoy the fruits of your labor in your apartment.

The Pros and Cons of Growing Flowers

As apartment dwellers, there is a special joy in growing flowers indoors. Flower gardening is not only a beautiful hobby but can also help improve air quality. However, there are pros and cons to growing flowers in your apartment.

One of the biggest pros is that it can relieve relaxation and stress. A study found that the sight and scent of flowers can decrease stress levels.

On the other hand, flowers require maintenance such as watering, pruning, and fertilizing, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

Additionally, if you have pets, some flowers can be toxic to them. Whether or not to grow flowers in your apartment depends on personal preference and lifestyle. While the pros may outweigh the cons, it's essential to consider all factors before embarking on your flower gardening journey.

The Pros and Cons of Growing Vegetables

Permaculture enthusiasts often dream of having their edible garden, but for apartment dwellers, the idea of growing vegetables may seem challenging. While there are undeniable benefits to growing your produce, there are also obstacles to consider.

On the positive side, growing vegetables can provide fresh and healthy food, save money on grocery bills, and reduce your carbon footprint. However, limited space, lack of sunlight, and the need for proper soil and watering can pose challenges.

There are also factors such as pests and diseases to contend with. Despite these drawbacks, with some creativity and determination, overcoming the cons and reaping the benefits of growing your vegetables in an apartment setting is possible.

Tips for Maximizing a Small Space to Grow Flowers and Vegetables

Living in an apartment doesn't have to mean sacrificing your green thumb dreams. With the proper techniques and tools, you can maximize your small space to grow flowers and vegetables and create your permaculture oasis.

Consider using vertical gardens to take advantage of unused wall space. Use containers of varying sizes to allow different plants to thrive, and don't be afraid to get creative with repurposing household items into planters.

Implement composting and companion planting to create a natural and sustainable ecosystem. With these tips, you can create a lush and thriving garden right in the heart of your apartment.

What Are the Best Resources for Learning More About Permaculture Apartment Gardening

Permaculture apartment gardening is a fantastic way to grow fresh produce even when space is limited. With the right resources, this can be easily achieved. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced gardener, some great resources are available to help you learn more about permaculture apartment gardening.

One of the best resources is online forums where you can connect with other gardeners and get advice on how to get started. You can also find a wealth of information on YouTube channels, blogs, and social media accounts with step-by-step tutorials, tips, and tricks.

Seed catalogs, gardening books, and podcasts are great resources as well. With the right resources, you can build a thriving permaculture apartment garden that provides fresh produce, promotes sustainable living, and helps the environment.

Final Thoughts on Choosing Between Growing Flowers vs. Vegetables in a Small Space

When cultivating your plants in a small space, one question often arises: whether to focus on growing flowers or vegetables.

While both options have benefits, it ultimately depends on what you want to achieve with your garden. Growing vegetables might be the right choice if you want to create a more self-sustainable and eco-friendly living environment.

Not only can you enjoy the delicious flavors of homegrown produce, but you can also reduce your carbon footprint by sourcing your food. However, growing flowers could be ideal if you want to add a touch of beauty to your apartment and create a serene atmosphere.

Whether you decide to grow vegetables, flowers, or a combination of both, remember that every small sustainable action you take can significantly impact the environment and your community.


After discussing the pros and cons of flowers and vegetables, it is clear that there is no one-size-fits-all answer when choosing between the two options for a small space grower. Though many believe vegetables are the only sensible choice, growing flowers can also be advantageous, bringing vibrant color and incomparable beauty into limited spaces. Regardless of which path you choose for permaculture apartment gardening, having knowledge of best practices for doing so is essential.



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