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Hello my name is Naomi, thank you for visiting.


It's my mission to make interacting with nature not so much of a bewildering venture. I want to make it so that whether you live in the city in a small apartment, a backyard in the suburbs, or just have a small corner you have the knowledge you need to bring nature in. I believe in the health benefits that it will bring you such as the mental and emotional well-being it will  bring for you and the whole family.


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My Story

Hi i'm Naomi Stephens, a certified permaculture designer.


After completing a permaculture design course in 2020, I didn't want to wait till I could afford a substantial amount of land or own a home to start practicing permaculture. I wanted to practice permaculture in my own apartment. I wanted to contribute to global sustainability efforts despite living in an urban city surrounded by gas-guzzling cars, concrete towers, and plastic.


I centered my permaculture final design on practicing permaculture in my own apartment. I started the blog by documenting my own experiments and what went wrong. For example, I'm the first to make bokashi compost into soil in an apartment. I successfully made mushrooms at home, made vermicompost, and grew plants alongside fish (aquaponics).


As I continue to document what I've learned, I hope to encourage others who live in small spaces or apartments to try regenerative practices. This website isn't just about indoor gardening, it's about easy eco-friendly swaps, sustainability, growing food, food preservation techniques, aquaponics, vermicomposting, growing mushrooms, composting, and much more.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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